
Confidentiality Policy
Effective date: 07/08/24


At Court Aesthetics, we understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of all our clients' personal and medical information. As practicing doctors, we are bound by the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom (UK) regarding clinical confidentiality. This policy outlines our commitment to upholding confidentiality and provides guidelines for handling patient information in compliance with UK Law.

Legal Framework. Our clinical confidentiality policy is designed to adhere to the following key UK legislation and standards

·      Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) This legislation sets out rules for the processing and protection of personal data, including information relating to health. It also incorporates provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

·      Health and Social Care Act 2012 This act outlines the legal duty of confidentiality for healthcare professionals and organisations and defines the scope and limits of disclosure.

·      Common Law Duty of Confidentiality This encompasses the ethical and professional obligation of healthcare practitioners to keep patient information confidential.


·      Consent Client information may only be shared with third parties after obtaining explicit consent from the patient, unless disclosure is required or permitted by law. We respect individual autonomy and maintain clear records of consent.

 ·     Purpose Limitation Client information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected, unless authorised by the client or required by law.

·      Data Minimisation We will only collect and retain client information that is necessary for the provision of healthcare services, adhering to the principle of data minimisation to minimise the risk of unauthorised use or disclosure.

·      Security Court Aesthetics will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard patient information against unauthorised access, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

·      Staff Training All staff members will receive training on this confidentiality policy and the legal obligations imposed by UK Law. Regular training updates will be provided to ensure awareness of any changes in legislation.

Confidentiality Obligations

Disclosure within Court Aesthetics: Client information may be shared within the organisation on a need-to-know basis for the purpose of providing healthcare services. All staff members must respect client confidentiality and only access information relevant to their role.Third-Party Disclosure: Client information may be disclosed to third parties, such as other healthcare providers or regulatory bodies, only with the explicit consent of the client or as required by the Law.